EventsMay 10, 2024

Why universal social protection is essential for inclusive development, peace and security in the present and future.

A recording of the #2024 UNCSC side event "Why universal social protection is essential for inclusive development, peace and security in the present and future" is now online. The event was held at the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, Kenya on 9 May 2024.

At the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference -#2024UNCSC in Nairobi, Kenya on 9 May 2024, we hosted a hybrid event : Why universal social protection is essential for inclusive development, peace and security in the present and future.
We discussed how the Pact for the Future can focus more on expanding social protection coverage and its financing; including concrete proposals for discussion at the 2024 UN Civil Society Conference and the 2025 World Social Summit.
The speakers were Jane Anyango (Founder, Polycom Development Project, Nairobi), David Lambert Tumwesigye (Global Policy & Advocacy Lead, Child Poverty, Save the Children International) , Umberto Cattaneo (Public Finance Economist, Universal Social Protection Department - SOCPRO, International Labour Organization - ILO) and Cyrilla Heyi (Program Manager, Child Rights Governance, Africa Platform for Social Protection - APSP) . The event was moderated by Ingo Ritz (Director, Global Call to Action Against Poverty - GCAP).
This event was co-sponsored by Save the Children International, Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF), Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP), UNANIMA International, Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IBVM), International Presentation Association (IPA) and Building Blocks for Peace Foundation.

Watch the full recording of the discussion.


International Labor Organizationunicef, for every childSave the children