Photo credit: UNICEF

About this project

Save the Children, UNICEF and ILO have partnered to establish a one-stop-shop to track countries' pathways to expanding child benefits. This online resource includes data on coverage, financing, child poverty, current policies and programmes, country prospects and good practices.

In May 2022, Save the Children, UNICEF and ILO agreed to co-create a Global Child Benefits Tracker- an online platform to monitor access of children to their social protection right, identify gaps and effectively advocate with governments and donors to close these protection gaps. The aim is to provide a dedicated knowledge management platform to foster progressive and evidence-based dialogue on the need for and feasibility of greater investment in child-sensitive social protection.

By focusing on the rights of children, the Global Child Benefits Tracker is an important complement to the knowledge management tools available to advocates of child-sensitive social protection; including policy makers in government and international development agencies, social protection practitioners, academia / researchers, civil society and child campaigners.


David Tumwesigye

Global Policy Advocacy Lead for Child Poverty, Save the Children International. His extensive experience in social protection policy development and evidence based advocacy is an asset to his role as the Manager of the Global Child Benefits Tracker.

Jenn Yablonski

Chief, Child Poverty and Social Protection Unit at UNICEF HQ. She is a member of the Global Child Benefits Tracker Expert Advisory Group.

Ian Orton

Social Protection Policy Officer, International Labour Organisation. Ian is the co-author of the World Social Protection Report and a member of the Global Child Benefits Tracker Expert Advisory Group.

Celine Julia Felix

Social Protection Specialist - Social Protection System Strengthening at UNICEF HQ. Celine is a member of the Global Child Benefits Tracker Expert Advisory Group.

Oliver Fiala

Senior Research Advisor, Save the Children U.K. His expertise in data analysis and research coupled with his ability to communicate complex issues in an accessible manner, has contributed to his role in ensuring the rigour and quality of quantitative data featured on the Global Child Benefits Tracker.

Valeria Nesterenko

Social Protection Data Officer with ILO. She supports ILO's World Social Protection Database. She is part of the Global Child Benefits Tracker Expert Advisory Group.

Zhiming Yu

Social Protection Data Officer with ILO. He supports ILO's World Social Protection Database. He is a member of the Global Child Benefits Tracker Expert Advisory Group.

Sharmila Kurukulasuriya

Facilitator of the Global Child Benefits Community and responsible for managing the quantitative and qualitative content featured on the Global Child Benefits Tracker.
International Labor Organizationunicef, for every childSave the children